F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., a Republican member of US House of Representatives, from Wisconsin, is a millionaire politician. He is the main stockholder of Kimberly-Clark Corporation, maker of all kind of products, from Kotex to Huggie’s. Most of the Kimberly-Clark products are the main source of pollution in the planet. But Sensenbrenner also has stocks in corporations like Monsanto, Halliburton, Abbot Laboratories, Merck & Co., among others. Some of these corporations are included in “The 10 Worst Corporations” list published in the AlterNet website…
However, Sensenbrenner is more highly recognized by his anti-immigrant and anti-working people legislative work. He once referred to immigrants as bad apples that need to be separated from the good apples (the North American people). In the Washington Times edition of January 26, 2005, Sensenbrenner, while talking about his legislative initiatives, he said: “What we're attempting to do with these provisions is to root out the bad apples before they do spoil the barrel, meaning killing hundreds of us.”
He is the author of the HR-4437, the anti-immigrant piece of legislation approved late last year and that sparked many massive protests across the country in March, April and May of this year. In El Paso, Texas, Thousands of people, immigrants and non-immigrants alike, marched and protested against Sensenbrenner and HR-4437 on March 31, April 10 and May 1st. Students from practically all high schools, UTEP and El Paso Community College carry out walk-outs to protest against the anti-immigrant and racist policies of Sensenbrenner, other members of Congress and the Bush administration.
HR-4437, is a piece of legislation that will turn undocumented immigrants, and their families, individuals or agencies including religious groups who attempt to assist immigrants in any way, into criminals.
Sensenbrenner, a right-wing conservative politician is not only anti-immigration. As a legislator he has dedicated his career to benefiting the rich and their corporations (specifically those in which he has stock). Sensenbrenner has consistently attacked the working people of the US with his legislation. Some of his actions include:
- Voted against increasing the federal minimum wage by a dollar. But ironically he voted in favor of raising the already fat salaries for members of Congress.
- Voted against public housing as well as lowering interest rates on student loans. Sensenbrenner also voted against giving grants to African-American and Latino students.
- Sensenbrenner did however vote to lower taxes for the richest people in the country (many of which are his close friends and campaign contributors).
- Voted against the investigation and development of gasoline alternatives in doing so benefiting the multi-billion dollar oil corporations.
Sensenbrenner’s record says it all. Sensenbrenner is against the poor and working people of the US.
But now, Sensenbrenner is coming to El Paso as part of a hearing of the Judiciary Committee that he chairs. On Thursday, August 17, 2006, Sensenbrenner will be at the El Chamizal National Park, Paisano and San Marcial, listening testimony from people like Sheriff Leo Samaniego, a representative from a racist anti-immigrant group from California and other anti-immigrant individuals.
This is an opportunity to be at the El Chamizal to voice our position that the visit by Sensenbrenner is an affront to the border community due to his racist politics and their impact on the working people in particular.
Join us on Thursday August 17, 2006, to declare that Sensenbrenner and his xenophobia and racism is not welcome in El Paso. We will meet at 9 a.m. at the corner of San Marcial and Paisado Drive, right in front of Bowie High School.
Let’s say no to racism and anti-immigrant politics! No to Sensenbrenner! Not in our border community!