1. Students should try to protect each other by setting up a support structure that can react quickly if problems should arise or if arrests occur.
2. Students should not engage in actions that endanger the physical well-being of other students. Generally actions that might endanger the safety of others at the demonstration include: physical violence, or actions that cause panic such as (running and throwing rocks)
What's Legal at An Action:
A moving picket on a public sidewalk with signs and chanting;
A sidewalk march with signs and chanting;
Handing out leaflets to passersby without blocking way.
What a permit is Needed For:
Sound amplification devices:
Marching in the streets/street closure.
**The police don't necessarily want to arrest people unless you push them or threaten their dignity. IF THE MARCH IS LARGE AND WELL ORGANIZED, IT IS DIFFICULT FOR THE POLICE TO ARREST PEOPLE!!
In case of violence: isolate & separate.
Bring vocal attention to violent, harassing cops (i.e. get crowd to shout "shame, shame" while pointing at cop).
NEVER touch a police officer.
Try to be calm during a confrontation with a cop.
If the entire crowd is in danger or panicking, tell everyone to SIT DOWN.
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